Welcome to the City of Waverly, Illinois City of Waverly .... A Good Place to Call Home!

Welcome to the City of Waverly!

Waverly, founded in 1836, is the second largest city in Morgan County, with nearly 1200 residents, and occupies one square mile of rich and fertile land 90 miles north of St. Louis, 210 miles south southwest of Chicago, and 30 miles southwest of Springfield.  Approximately 3000 customers are located in the local trading area.  Waverly contains over 400 homes, has over sixteen miles of all-weather street and roadways, supports its own elementary and high school, and owns and operates its own water and sewer systems.  Since Waverly's founding, Salter Park has been the heart of the city.  Located in the middle of the business district, this exceptionally well-maintained six-acre park contains a band stage, a pavilion, a War Memorial, basketball court, a large playground area which was constructed by community volunteers and is the site of the Waverly Old-Fashioned Picnic held each year in late summer.  Waverly is also the home of the Waverly Holiday Tournament (the best small school tournament in Illinois) for high school boys basketball every year since 1951.

We are very proud of our city, its people, our lifestyles, and activities.


Effective immediately, the City is working to replace all YIELD signs withing the city limits with STOP signs.  All motorists - - please be aware of the change and remember to stop at all such designated intersections.


ATTENTION - Any city utility customer having an outside company digging on their property in close proximity to the City of Waverly Right of Way is required to check with City Hall or the City of Wavery Utility Superintendent to obtain the current requirements in accordance with Ordinance 24-01: Establishing the Standards for the Construction of Facilities on the Rights of Way.  Please the Government Section of this webpage, Code Compliance for specifics.



The City of Waverly is implementing a water and sewer rate increase effective October 1, 2024, which was discussed at the July 2, 2024 City Council Meeting.  The last time the City Council increased water rates was November 1, 2015, and sewer rates was April 1, 2018.  The City does not take this action lightly and the action is based upon the following reasons: 1) the City’s water and sewer systems were installed in the late 1930’s and are nearing the end of their useful life without further investment, 2) during the COVID period the City Council took no action to increase rates, as well as freezing late fees, 3) the current water and sewer funds are operating at a deficit and should operate in the black with adequate reserve funds for emergencies and capital investments, 4) recent inflation is affecting key utility system inputs such as power, equipment and maintenance which increased between 20 – 60 percent or more in some cases in the past two (2) years, outpacing water rates across the nation, 5) changing regulations in water and sewer utilities are causing an increased need for financial investment to maintain compliance and ensure a high level of services for customers, 6) the average water bill for 4,000 gallons in central Illinois for similar sized communities is approximately $57.00, 7) the average sewer bill for 4,000 gallons in central Illinois for similar sized communities is approximately $40.00 and 8) after the proposed rate adjustments, the cost for one gallon of water will be approximately one (1) penny.

Current – In Town                                        10/01/24 – In Town

Water - $18.00 (minimum *)                          Water - $28.00 (minimum *)

After 1st 1000 gallons – $6.80                         After 1st 1000 gallons - $10.00

Sewer - $12.00 (minimum *)                          Sewer - $15.00 (minimum *)

After 1st 1000 gallons - $3.60 **                    After 1st 1000 gallons - $6.00 **

10/01/25 – In Town                                       

Water - $35.00 (minimum *)                         

After 1st 1000 gallons – $13.00 **

Sewer – 3 percent increase                                                                 

Current – Out of Town                                 10/01/24 – Out of Town

Water - $20.50 (minimum *)                          Water – $30.50 (minimum*)

After 1st 1000 gallons – 7.80 **                     After 1st 1000 gallons - $11.80 **

10/01/25 – Out of Town                                10/01/26 – Out of Town

Water - $37.50 (minimum *)                          Water – 3 percent increase

After 1st 1000 gallons - $14.00 **

*   The minimum usage is up to 1000 gallons

** After the 1st 1000 gallons, the price is for each additional 1000 gallons

The City of Waverly prides itself for having a very high quality of water for use by its customers and wants to continue doing so for the foreseeable future.  If you have questions, please feel free to contact the City Office.  Thank you.


DO YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO MIGHT HAVE AN UMET NEED? The Waverly Junior Women's Club might be able to help.  The Forms and our Community Kindness Box can be found at the New Leaf Coffee Shoppe and City Hall.  Complete a form and drop it in the box.  


Johnson & Johnson Mobile Veterinary Clinc - - Beginning March 14, 2024, and continuing the second Thursday of every month, Johnson & Johnson Mobile Veterinary Clinic will be located at Salter Park from 12:00 pm until 7:00 pm.  You can make an appointment by either call/text to (217) 939-6803.  Services provide are: Routine Wellness Checks (physical examinations/vaccines/monthly, preventatives, etc.) Sick pet/urgent care (bloodwork, x-ray, hospitalization, etc.), surgeries (spay, neuter, etc.), dental cleanings and home visits.



Please be advised that if you are experiencing difficulties keeping your city utility bill current, it is important that you speak with someone at City Hall regarding options / assistance to avoid having your utility service shutoff for non-payment.  The office is open from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday and on Saturday’s (the 12th through the 24th of each month) from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm.



On October 7, 2014, the City of Waverly approved and implemented the rules listed below for the receipt of public comments pursuant to the Open Meetings Act.      

.         Thirty (30) minutes of public comment may be allowed, limiting each speaker to two (2) minutes.

.         Public comments at Special Meetings must be germane to the items on the agenda.

.         Prior to speaking, each person must be recognized by the presiding officer and must state his/her name and address for the record.

.         The presiding officer may impose reasonable limitations on citizen’s participation at meetings such as barring repetition, irrelevant, immaterial, inappropriate comments and reserves the right to halt or suspend the meeting to a later date, if the rules are not being followed. 

.         Whenever a group of persons wish to address the members on the same subject matter, the presiding officer may ask that a spokesperson be chosen from the group.  If additional matters are to be presented by other persons in the group, the presiding officer may limit the presentation to information not already presented by the group spokesperson. 

.         Interested parties, or their authorized representatives, may address the Council by written communication with regard to any matter concerning City business by addressing the Clerk, who shall distribute the written communication to Council members.

.         The Council is not obligated to respond to comments or answer a question.

.         This rule does not apply to City employees.

.         The Clerk shall post the provisions of the Policy on the City’s website and in the Council Chambers. 

Scott Duewer, Mayor


Your 2023Annual Water Quality Report is now available.  To speak with someone about this report or to request a copy, please call us at (217) 435-4611 or (217) 435-4111.  Please go to the Residents Section, Water Quailty Report subsetion to view the report.

Waverly Water Quality ReportCCR2023.pdf


Your 2023 Annual Water Quality Report is now available.  To speak with someone about this report or to request a copy, please call us at (217) 435-4611 or (217) 435-4111.  Please go to the Residents Section, Water Quailty Report subsetion to view the report.


The After Hours & Gas Emergency Number is: (217) 473-9822.

NOTICE - if, at any time, you smell gas within your residence, please leave the premises and call the Gas Emergency Line at (217) 473-9822 immediately.


POLICE CONTACT: if you need to contact the Waverly Police Department at any time, please call (217) 245-6103, opt 3.


Waverly Lake Permits are required for boats, canoes, kayaks, paddle boards, etc. and are available at City Hall and the Water Plant.  The cost is $25.00 and the permits are good for the period:  April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026.  


Golf Cart Renewals are due by April 1, 2025.  If you plan on operating a golf cart or UTV on the city streets, you will need a current permit staring April 1, 2025through March 31, 2026.  Please see Chief Berola.  Cost is $75.00.


WAVERLY ZONING REGULATIONS - Before you build, install a fence, construct/move in a shed or make other construction changes to your property, you are required by the City of Waverly to file an application for a Certificate of Compliance, which can be obtained at City Hall.  The application is then reviewed by the Zoning Board to ensure all guidelines are met.  Once approved, a building permit will be issued and then your project may begin.  The Zoning Board meets at 6:00 pm the third (3rd) Monday of every month at City Hall.



Recent News

2025 City of Waverly Holiday Schedule


City Offices will be closed on the following days:

01/01/25 - New's Years' Day

01/20/25 - Martin Luther King Day

02/12/25 - Lincoln's Birthday

02/17/25 - President's Day

04/18/25 - Good Friday

05/26/25 - Memorial Day

06/19/25 - Juneteenth

07/04/25 - Independence Day

09/01/25 - Labor Day


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Your 2023Annual Water Quality Report is now available.  To speak with someone about this report or to request a copy, please call us at (217) 435-4611 or (217) 435-4111.  Please go to the Residents Section, Water Quailty Report subsetion to view the report.

The after Hours & Gas Emergency...

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Need Help with City Services?


Questions about city services, Waverly Lake, which day is your trash pickup day, does the city offer recycling and/or when can I water my yard in the warmer months?  Don't see the information you need? Give us a call at (217) 435-4611.  We will gladly assist you.

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